Thursday, October 15, 2009

Likely last post...

for this site:

I am going to try to switch over and keep all Fender and family updates on one website now as the twins are due within the next three weeks. So check out There is also a link to the left.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Being three...

Here are a couple more pictures.

From the morning of his actual birthday (Oct 4th):

Papa helped put together the awesome work bench birthday prezzie from Uncle Chuck and family.

Jumping off the bed...

Helping put up Halloween lights...

Monday, October 05, 2009

Not one... not two... I'm THREE!!!!

Hard to believe that our Fender D. is THREE!! What a fun birthday party we had. So many showed up to express their love and support for Fender as he begins the next year of his life. Kids that came were Jeremy (3), Corley (2), Brooks (3), Jayme (2), and Finn(2 1/2). We had fruits, cheeses and an artichoke dip for snacking before the pizza arrived.

The most priceless part of the party for me was when we were eating pizza, Fender climbed up on the bench in the kitchen, followed immediately by Jeremy and Corley and they caught sight of the birthday cake in the box. Their patience was palpable! Jayme climbed up next and all the kids were so cute huddled back there as close as they could be to the cake but waiting as patiently as they could.

So cake was obviously next up for the party. We sang happy birthday and Fen blew out the candles like a pro.

And it wasn't long before we moved right into gifts so that all the kids could play with the new toys.

Fen and most of his gifts after all the guests have gone.

Another pretty fun part of the day for me was to watch Fender play "connect the toys"as he went from one toy to the next, not missing a single one and repeating most of them at least twice, all day long.

Here he started playing with his new lite bright...

Then next to his cars race tower...

I skipped a few photos with all the other toys, but ultimately we ended up back at the lite bright...this time with our new dinosaur...

...and Fen decided he needed to help us with it.

And when it came time for dinner, he had changed into the Texas football jersey he got for his birthday, managed to drink his milk, then passed out before the second bite of his sandwich.

Yep, it was a good day to turn three!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

New mattress...

Last weekend Fen got a twin size mattress so we could move the crib mattress into the baby crib. He got new PJs, new curtains, and new sheets too. He seems to enjoy his new mountain of a bed.


Different night...same PJs, different book, different sheets. We like bedtime.