Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sleepless nights...

Have pictures from the past few days and will add them first chance I get.

Hopefully our sleepless nights will come to an end soon...of course I've been hoping and expecting that for about the last three months. For the past week, he's been waking to feed about 1AM, 5AM, then up for the day at 7AM. We are now officially trying to put an end to the first feeding. The plan is for Daddy to pick him up and rock him/walk him/sing him back to sleep if he wakes at 3AM or earlier. Then, even if he just sleeps for another hour, I can feed him then and we've made progress.

Well, three nights ago was the first time we gave it a try. He woke up at 1:30AM and put up very little fuss and went back to sleep with Daddy before 2AM rolled around. He woke again at 4AM, but fussed until he got picked up and then fell back to sleep the moment I picked him up. I still got a bottle ready (because we were also going to try and move toward giving him all bottles and no more time at the breast), but he was asleep before he could get it. I left it out just in case he woke back up shortly, which he didn't. Instead, he laid back down and slept until 6AM. I gave him 5oz and then he went back to sleep until 8AM (which with the time change, would have been 7AM for him).

In short...He went to sleep just before 9PM, didn't feed again until 6AM, then up at 8AM. The second night, he slept from just before 10PM, woke only at 4:45AM for a feeding, and slept again until 8:00AM. We thought maybe we had caught him off-guard and easy to manipulate with the time change this past weekend. But last night wasn't so good. He went to sleep about 9:30PM, woke and wanted to feed at 1:30AM, then again this morning at 5:30AM, and was up at 7:30 for the day. We'll keep trying, but I'm not holding my breath or anything drastic, just saying a few prayers. :)

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