Monday, April 30, 2007


Yea...I think these work!! I think I got them to post on the page!!! I hope this works. Three videos of fun...

Fender laughing (about 2 1/2 months).

About 4 months old.

Fender at the Jazz Festival this past weekend (6 3/4 months old).

More Jazzz...

As I mentioned before, this weekend Fender really became mobile. He isn't crawling forward, but he crawls backward, turns on his hands and knees, rolls, whatever he needs to do to get where he wants to go. It is amazing and fun to watch. He was up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth and you can see he is ready to crawl. He took a quick nap (about 15 minutes) and was back up ready to play again. :)

Jazz festival...

We had a blast at the Jazz festival in Denton this weekend with "Auntie L." See for yourself...


Ok...Fender was having a good time in his new superman pj's. Had to share. Also...I am desperately trying to figure out how to upload my videos to this blog. I know it can be done, but I haven't figured it out yet. Fender is getting mobile so I know you all will want to see more of him in "action." I will keep trying until I figure it out. In the are pictures...and more pictures of us at the Jazz festival this weekend coming up next.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day...

A couple of misc photos of our boy. The first, an outdoor picture in celebration of Earth Day, which was yesterday. A head shot, just because we have one. And with all the action photos we've had lately, Fender still finds time to rest on occasion.

Caught in the act...

We've finally managed to catch a couple of smiles in pictures. I caught Fender grabbing the rail to his crib trying to pull himself up. And clearly, our house isn't baby proofed yet. As always, he contiues to be too cute for words (from his mommy's perspective). :) You can see for yourselves...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fender posts...

Well, oviously, Fender has taken an active interest in his own blog now. That last post was all him. We had a great earth day weekend. Fender's Grandmother came to town for a few days and we had tons of fun! Here are some pics. Not any from outside, though we did spend some time outdoors, which our boy seems to enjoy very much. Yea! He is switching over to formula now and doing great. oops... well, i'm not going to get to finish this post right now. fender wants to play too much. all play and no work, that is his motto. pics to come later...hopefully soon. hope you all have a great week! Like Fender, I hope we can all work more play into our schedules. Life goes by in a flash.


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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Proud Papaw and Mamma pics

Pictures from last week...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Pastel craze...

Easter day has come and gone but the Easter season remains. What a terrific day we had yesterday. Fender was up bright and shocker there since he still barely ever sleeps (day or night). We were all up, dressed, and at church by 10:30, just before the service began. :) Fender barely acknowledged his first Easter Egg Hunt, probably because he was fighting sleep, having been up since dawn and no nap even through church. After the Hunt, those of us, who are not Fender, enjoyed a fantastic Easter lunch with family and friends at Norie's. Fender enjoyed his milk later on. We had a wonderfully lazy afternoon playing and napping at "Papa and Grandma's" house. And when we finally got back home, we played a bit, then had sweet potatoes and cereal for dinner, another "big boy bath", which are an everyday occurrence now, and then it was a bit more milk to drink and off to bed. After he finally settled down to sleep about 10PM, he slept all the way through until 7:30AM this morning. He seems to like sleeping on his stomach now and it doesn't seem to pose much threat since he lifts his head and turns it whenever he likes. I still get nervous about it, but he just isn't sleeping on his side and back anymore.

So without further ado...more Fender pictures...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter Season...

Fender met the Easter Bunny...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

6 months old...

Official 6 month weigh in at just under 19 lbs and he was just under 28 inches long. He is a pro at sitting now. He still topples over if he reaches too far or leans back too much, but he can sit and play for long spans now. They gave him his 6-month immunizations today and he was SOOOO GOOD! The nurse even said "these last two burn a bit" and he made a sad pouty face on the third one and let out a little wimper, but as soon as it was over, he went back to smiling and playing. Even the nurse looked at me and looked back at him with astonishment. I looked back at Fender with a smile and told him how good he did, because I could even see the amazement on her face. He was so strong. Hopefully he will respond to these injections as well as he dealt with the first sets. And now... here's more pictures. :)

Everything straight to a teething boy's mouth...

Fender's first "Big Boy Bath" (in the big tub)...

Sitting is fun...

Catching up...

Okay, there is just way to little time to myself these days, and therefore, I don't get to update the site as much as I'd like. We've seen some great "kodak" moments lately and managed to capture only a few. Fender is funny about the camera. It captures his interest and so he looks so serious in the photos, but the moment you put the camera down and look at him with a smile, he smiles right just doesn't work to get him to smile if you have the camera aimed at him. Oh well, he's a cutie and here is more proof...