Sunday, April 01, 2007

Time marches on...

This past week Fender was sick. Chest was clear of pneumonia, but he still had a fever with respiratory crud. He went on antibiotics and a decongestant. His personality seems to have had a big change as well. All of a sudden this week he doesn't want to be left alone much to play and he'll let you know that he prefers to be held. So the result of not rushing to pick him up when he fusses, means we've heard a great deal of crying and some screaming to boot, lately.

He also isn't sleeping much at night at all. He was up two hours Thursday night, three hours Friday night, and up three times (1AM, 4AM, 6AM) last night. He seems to be having more frequent bowel movements, and those are waking him up at night, to the point that he won't go back to sleep. In addition, once he has been rocked, walked, sung, etc, back to sleep, he wakes up when you lay him down. I don't know if he prefers to sleep a different way now, or what is the trouble. But he used to go down to sleep so easily.

So lots to ask his doc at his 6-month check up this Wednesday. Yep! Our boy is 6 months old this week! How about that? He seems to be doing what most 6-month old children are doing. And in some cases more, and in others less. Nothing I think we need to fret about at this time. He really likes sitting up now, but still gets discouraged when he falls over. He gets to his back pretty easily from his front, but then hates to be on his back and wants to be sitting up. Being 6-months old seems to be a very frustrating age. But I think he'll move through it just fine.

He's still getting mamma's milk, along with baby foods too now. He even fed himself a cracker a couple of nights back. I think I've decided to ween him from me, and we'll likely start introducing him to formula sometime after his doctor's visit this week. Switching over entirely will probably take a few weeks, so he may be about 7 months before he is entirely free from all the benefits the milk has been providing. It has been a fun, relatively easy process, with only a few minor inconveniences and I'm sure I will miss it, and quite sure he won't. :)

more pics to come...

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