Saturday, August 18, 2007

Many faces of Fender...

The past couple of mornings, Fender has been climbing up the steps outside to our deck. And when I dropped him off at at daycare yesterday, he went straight over to a big new slide in the middle of the room and proceeded to successfully climb up the wrong way. It was impressive. I was just watching in utter amazement. The determination in his face, the leg and arm strength to climb up the slippery side of a slide at 10 months old. He never even got frustrated at all. It was really coool. Well, when I went to pick up "my little climber" at the end of the day they said, "Nope, he's not your little climber. He's your little WALKER!" Wha?????? Yep...apparently he was sitting down doing much of nothing, and then stood up and took 5 steps straight for the swing. He has taken several on his own today. No video of said walking yet, but they are coming, rest assured.

So for are some of the many faces of Fender.
Happy in his daddy's old red overalls!!

Fender's inquisitive side...the boy studies everything...

Learning the video game controller already...

Mr. piano...
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