Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cooling off...

Fender doesn't nap much these days, which is saying a lot considering we all know he never has slept much. He did get to a pretty consistant 1 1/2 hour nap for the past five months or so. Now the trend is to try and skip the nap all together, but he typically doesn't make it so he has shifted it to an evening hour nap. He still sleeps from 9PM - 7AM or 10 - 8 depending on how late he takes that little nap. He is doing very well moving from bottles to sippy cups and formula to milk. He only gets a bottle in the late afternoon at daycare most days and his bottle before bed. Those have formula, the rest of the time he gets whole milk in his cups. I'll be 31 years old a week from today. And Fender will be ONE four days later. Drew will be 33 six days after that. :)

Fender finds the fridge.

A new way to play the piano.
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