Sunday, October 07, 2007

This is the big ONE...


While the first two months seemed to go by so slowly...before he even learned to smile, it seems like the rest of the year has flown by in a quick two months time. Fender now smiles, laughs, sings, dances, plays, feeds himself, drinks from sippy cups, and even through straws. He can ask for things he wants by pointing, crawls through tunnels, climbs up stairs, walks and occasionally runs. He can clap, play peek-a-boo, say Bye-bye and wave along too. He even used our hand sign for "elephant" when he wanted to play with his elephant piggy bank a couple of nights ago. And can throw his arms up for a "touchdown" now. What a lot of learning and growing to do in just one year.

It is hard to say good-bye to this wonderfully sweet year full of so many "firsts." But it is hard not to want to move forward into this second year and see what new things await, for Fender, and for us as parents. I have a feeling this year may be a bit more challenging given his new found freedoms such as walking, running, and more and more talking. And if he is anything like his mom and dad, I'm sure he will be asserting his independence and stubbornness more every day. Oh boy!

He had his one-year check-up and weighed 25lbs 6oz and was nearly 31" tall. He was given vaccinations for Polio, Measles, and Chicken Pox. YUK! But has done well so far. We've had a fun week of birthday celebrations, including a visit from his "Grandmother" (Drew's mom) who got to watch him devour his first cake ever.

He had a fun-filled first birthday party on Saturday with pizza, cake, friends, family, and toys galore. So without further are the pictures.

Cheesecake from Napoli at his actual birthday dinner on October 4th! Yum!

October 4th birthday cards, presents, and hanging out with Grandmother.

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