Just thought I'd include a couple of pictures while I talk about what Fender is doing these days. Eating well...no surprise there. But since I haven't posted a picture of him eating breakfast since his messy hand scooping days, here's a nice demonstration of how much he's learned. Note the focus on scraping the sides of the bowl with his spoon. Ha. And food pretty much goes from bowl to mouth now and not all over clothes, drink, table, chair, floor, hair, legs, and dog. Well, at least not all the time. ;)
And this past week we've been learning to swim with the Parent-Tot Red Cross class at the local pool. Only about an hour four days a week (M-R). So no class tonight, but we'll jump back in on Monday. He loves it, no surprise there either. The boy has some kind of kindred nature with his "agua." He's learned to move his arms and kick his legs. Doesn't care to float on his back at all yet. Fender is the youngest of the group by several months.
Having a light snack in the park before swimming.
He's a bit wild when it comes to water. Likes to go under all the time and tries to swim away on his own all the time. Doesn't seem to care that he can't breath under there. I guess he thinks he can hold his breath forever or might grow fish gills if he swims long enough. Not scared at all...so yeah, I'll be a mound of pulsating nerves anytime he's near water. Hopefully we can instill a sense of respect for how dangerous things can quickly get if he isn't careful. But he is a boy. So I can see all of that non-sense flying right over the top of his head as he leaps from the middle of the diving board at 5 years old certain he can clear the end and hit the water. As it is right now, when all the kids get to jump from the side of the pool to their parents, Fender smiles real big at me with my arms out ready for the incoming assault, then he takes off running at an angle hoping to avoid any safety at all and tries to jump so that just he and the water are all alone. It is pretty funny, but he can't actually jump yet, so he runs off the side toward the water and I have to catch him and pull him further out so he doesn't hit the inside ledge of the pool. A very awkward move for me and no doubt extremely unflattering. Wow. He loves water a lot!
And here's our boy and his "best friend" popping balloons (a.k.a. namos). Lighting isn't good at first, but it gets better by the end.
...and don't ask us why balloons are called namos. That's just what he has called them since he first learned to talk. And he has no intention of calling them anything else. Maybe it is French for balloon, but I know it isn't English or Spanish. And I think I've already mentioned that when I tried to shorten Sebastian's name to "Sabey" for Fender, it came out "Dobby." And that's how we've come to live with Harry Potter's "favorite" house elf. :)