Sunday, August 31, 2008

Planet trio...

Just fyi for any of you who enjoy astronomy at all...for the next 12 days you can see a trio of planets on the horizon just after sunset. Tomorrow night (Sept 1st) Venus, Mercury and Mars will be in a right triangle formation close to the sun on the horizon approx. 15-30 minutes after sunset. Following so close to the sun may make it difficult to see, but give it a shot. Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The video below is a bit of fun. Fender thought he was all he decided to do something he wasn't supposed to. I saw a whole new side to our sweet baby boy when he called out for "momma, momma" just to make sure I wasn't around so he wouldn't get in trouble! We don't use the changing station much anymore. Guess Fender thinks we should.




1 comment:

Kate said...

That video is HILARIOUS!!! I love how he poses and looks so proud of himself when he gets to the top!