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Haven't taken many pics of Fender lately, but be assured he is always up to his little boy ways. Has turned into "bamm-bamm" from the Flintstones. He runs around with his plastic bat (sometimes two bats) banging everything in sight. Which means there are constant reminders that "no" we don't hit the doggy and "no" that hurts mommy. Yes the couch is fine, but "no" please not the electronics. He still LOVES to read. Every morning he asks to "read a book" and every night before bed and is often even sitting down happily by himself reading a book when I pick him up at daycare.
This week I have also noticed an increase in appropriate responses. Such as...our everyday "Did you have a good (or fun) day today?" never gets a "yes" or any kind of response. But today when I asked, "What did you do today?" he told me "Reesha on the table." And Noresha (his teacher today) told me about how she always tells the kids not to sit or stand on the table, but that she had been standing on it to change a bulletin board and Fender told her "No, Reesha, not on the table." She thought it was so funny! And tonight when Drew asked him if he likes his teacher (Tamra) he said, "yes." And a few times this week I've noticed he says "yeah" to answer our questions. I am so glad he is starting to understand the meaning of answering yes to a question. It feels much more like dialoguing now instead of repitition.
Thought Dobby needed to make an appearance. Fender loves playing ball with the dog. He throws the ball, dog gets the ball and shouldn't have the ball because he'll chew the ball, so Fender immediately says "No, Dobby!" with drops the ball, Fender gets the ball, throws the ball back and says "Dobby, get the ball." Which he does and then we're back to "No, Dobby!"
Rare picture of our kitty cat too. She always runs from Fender, who is typically chasing her with bat in hand.
It's Party Time...
A week from Saturday our boy turns TWO! If you can get here, you are invited!
Saturday, October 4th from Noon to 2PM at our house. Call or email us for the address if you need it. FYI: The Texas-OU game was moved to the following week so this is a rare year that we don't have to schedule around it! There will be plenty of fruit, pizza, cake and ice cream for everyone!
For those of you who have been concerned, thought I'd let you know that the steroids relieved the pain and pressure from my eye, though the vision remains obscured. It seemed the vision cleared up a little too, but about two weeks off the steroids, the pain and pressure returned again and the vision worsened even further. I'm on round two of steroids now, pain and pressure relieved again, still no improvement in vision, but I am scheduled to finally see my doctor on Wednesday (first time since initial 10 minute visit with I'm excited to maybe finally get some answers).
Also, while I have been unemployed I have not been completely idle. I have been trying to pursue certification as a lactation consultant through their Mentor pathway. It turns out I'm sort of pioneering this route...not good for getting certified quickly, but important that it gets done so that some kind of protocol for this pathway exists and others can follow without "re-inventing the wheel" each time. I'm working with the President of the Dallas Lactation Consultants Association and others to better define the process and complete the 500 hours with breastfeeding women I need in order to take the exam.
Meanwhile I have just been offered a part-time job working for our local Environmental Co-op organization. This has a good chance of turning into a full-time job later this year depending on a few circumstances. Most of the work initially will be recycling oriented, but also will include organizing volunteers, working on promoting water conservation and education about the Cedar Creek watershed proposal for the county, grant writing (which I'm working on tomorrow), and tons of misc stuff covering all manners of environmental work for the county. Should be challenging, inspiring, and fun!
So feel free to keep us in your prayers...that my eye will heal, the lactation consulting pursuit will find its direction, this job will workout for everyone (me, the co-op, and the entire community), and that Fender and Drew remain healthy always and that we all stay calm and focused should anything go wrong with any of it.
Oh...and I forgot to mention that I'm a trained Doula now as well. A Doula is a woman who tends to the needs of a mother during her labor and delivery. This is not a midwife or doctor, who will actually tend to and deliver the baby. A Doula is there solely to comfort and support the mom, reassure the partner, and help them to have the birth experience they want or as close thereto given whatever circumstances may arrive. I need to attend three births by next November in order to be a "Certified Doula." And while one doesn't have to be certified to be a practicing Doula, I always think certification is important. So, if you know anyone who is interested in having a Doula, feel free to have them call or email me anytime! I am a firm believer that every woman should have a Doula, and if I am not the right fit due to proximity, certification, or it just doesn't feel right, then I will be happy to be a resource in helping her find other Doulas in her area to contact as well.
Sounds like you are up to all kinds of exciting things..good for you! We are hoping to make an appearance at the party, but we have to be in Austin by 5...I'll let you know soon.
That would be great...stop by for a quick lunch before you head out. We are right at I20 so you can jet back to I35 from there or take one of the south routes straight to I35 further down. Hope you can make it.
You are a busy girl! I hope all your jobs work out. I need to talk to you sometime about VBACs...
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