Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An eye update...surgery numero dos

The reason for the recent lapse in posts is due to further eye trouble. The appointment after my previous post showed that my retina was suddenly detaching, which is an emergency situation as it can lead pretty quickly to loss of sight. Not particularly thrilled about jumping into a second surgery so soon, I told the doc to take pictures and show me what was going on before I agreed. He gave a mild chuckle at my assertive request but took no time at all to comply. (At least my biology degree is occasionally useful in situations like this where photos and big medical terms might be gibberish to others. Now if I could just find a way to make some money with it.) Within minutes I was getting the photographs done and thanks to the digital world I saw what he was talking about just as soon as the last pic was taken.

Long story short, had the surgery (basically repeat of first surgery), got a second gas bubble...this one is slow acting as opposed to the fast acting last time, and spent the past 10 days in face-down recovery. Way worse than the "head straight up for a week" last time. Thankfully we rented crazy chair and bed contraptions with a double mirror that let me watch TV.

During my recovery Nana and Pop came for a visit. Nana kept us fed with fresh meals every night and having them here really helped keep Fender's attention diverted from my being temporarily out of commission. They were a huge help and sadly there's not a single photograph from the 6 days they were here.

And that brings us to today where doc said I can sit upright again, can drive, and even lift things again, but he said I have to take it easy for at least another week while my eye continues to heal. He doesn't want to take any chance that the fluid will seep back in someplace and cause further retinal detachment. I also get to stop my steroids for now and see how it goes. Yea!

As for my vision, this surgery apparently made the cataracts (which were caused by the first surgery) worse. So I'll definitely be needing that surgery later. And the gas bubble is still at 70% after 11 days so it will take a couple more weeks before it is gone. Currently it blocks my vision anyway so I'm not really bothered by the cataracts yet.

Here is Fender demonstrating the bed contraption I used most of every day.

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