Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Artwork at 28 months...


The most notable thing about his artwork these days is how hard he insists on pressing the crayons to the paper. Most of the colors break under the pressure. We've reassured him that color will still make it to the paper even if he colors lightly but apparently it just isn't as pretty. I have to admit I love the deep colors in all his artwork these days and a new box of crayons is only about $0.97. Well worth it.

Typically Fender wakes up about 7AM and he'll come crawl into bed with us and wake us up too. But one day last week he got up and went to play by himself in the living room. When I got up to check on him this is what I found.

I decided to start taking the occasional pictures of some things I find rather funny when I just happen upon them at random on any given day. Finding things like this around the house are just a teeny part of the tremendous joy of being a parent.

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