Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A beautiful weekend...

We enjoyed lovely weather this past weekend in the metroplex and as a result, spent most of our time outside.

Waking up(side down) Saturday morning.

Not cold, but Fender decided he wanted his "sleep jacket" (pajamas with feet) and coat on at the same time.

We took the wagon 'round the neighborhood...and I let Dobby do the work. :)

Of interest around our neighborhood this morning were, this tire swing (Fen really wants one); a swarm of birds playing in a water puddle in the middle of the road; rocks along the way; and honey bees buzzing all around our bluebonnets.

Holding one of the bluebonnets he picked.

Fender's first kite flying experience. A $1.00 Buzz Lightyear kite from walmart, a little bit of wind, and a PaPa with skills. :)

And we found a little time to give the dog a bath and get our feet wet.

A day in the life of...

Well, as the title suggests...the following is a selection of photos taken all from one day...March 6th actually. No particular reason for the day...I just had my camera and Fender all day.

In the morning, he watched a little sesame street with the headphones...just because he wanted to.

Later we got dressed up for photos with a real bunny...just like last year. This is just a pic of Fender playing in the car after the photo shoot.

In the evening we visited our neighbors swing set. Fender LOVES swinging and now that the weather is nice and our neighbors don't mind...we typically have a swinging session every day.


And before bed...I sent him to go brush his teeth and this is what I found instead.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A pirate says argh...

Not too many photos taken lately, but Fender's been getting into his plethera of instruments a lot. He also keeps a steady regiment of the Noggin channel, puzzles, memory games, and climbing on everything! He is quick to tell me "NO" he doesn't want to do something, but if I tell him "NO" it is obvious he has no idea what the word means. He knows what he wants when he wants and is happy to tell you about it. We've definitely entered a defiant stage, where pretty much you can tell him to do the opposite of what you want and he'll do what you really want, or more often...if he says "no" he doesn't want to do something...I just say okay and then in the next fraction of an instant, his no becomes "okay." Just testing some boundaries I guess, and trying to be as independent as he can be. I love my little independent, outspoken sweetheart of a boy! He's just perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about him!

Last night we went to the local library for their 9th annual Dr. Seuss birthday bash. We listened to a reading of the Sneeches, then had some cake and punch. Decorated a pot and planted some seeds, then listened to part of the second reading before Fender decided it was getting late and he'd rather go home...of course, as soon as we left, he wanted to go back. It was fun and I took a couple of pictures, but they all turned out blurry and not worth posting. Oh well.

What should I play with?

Ah...everything at the same time...

Likely my last eye update: I went to doc yesterday and he saw retina detachment again. He said he's already put me through enough and said he's not going to do any further surgeries so I will be blind in one eye from now on barring any future medical miracles...and I do mean miracle, because let's face it...researching retinas is not high on the global "what needs to be fixed" agenda.

Oh well...as I've said...if I had to lose something thank God it was something I had two of to begin with. So long depth perception...hello monocular vision. And I don't anticipate any problems...but I assure you...there will be a fight if they don't let me renew my driver's license next year. ARGH!!!