Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A beautiful weekend...

We enjoyed lovely weather this past weekend in the metroplex and as a result, spent most of our time outside.

Waking up(side down) Saturday morning.

Not cold, but Fender decided he wanted his "sleep jacket" (pajamas with feet) and coat on at the same time.

We took the wagon 'round the neighborhood...and I let Dobby do the work. :)

Of interest around our neighborhood this morning were, this tire swing (Fen really wants one); a swarm of birds playing in a water puddle in the middle of the road; rocks along the way; and honey bees buzzing all around our bluebonnets.

Holding one of the bluebonnets he picked.

Fender's first kite flying experience. A $1.00 Buzz Lightyear kite from walmart, a little bit of wind, and a PaPa with skills. :)

And we found a little time to give the dog a bath and get our feet wet.

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