Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fender 19 weeks in utero...

19 weeks: In this body profile, you can see the head at the right facing up, and follow the spine down his back to his bum, and see his legs folded onto his belly. You can even see his tiny organs. Incredible! - In the second photo he flipped over and into my belly. Much like the 11 week leg picture...we are looking below him with his bum on the left and his legs stretched out to the right. - At this appointment, we also found out...He's a boy! I wasn't quite prepared for that. For some reason I really thought we were having a girl. I wanted either one, in fact, I had always hoped for a boy first so that if I ever had a girl, she'd have an older brother...but I still had in my mind that we were having a girl and when I got the news we were having a boy, I was in complete shock. I remember thinking how cool it would be to wait and "be surprised" at delivery, but boy was I glad we found out now. It took me several weeks to really adjust to the fact that we were going to have a boy. And now...almost 20 weeks later, I can barely imagine what it would have been like to have a girl. I am super excited about having a boy and just can't wait to meet him.

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