Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fender 27 weeks in utero...3D sonogram...

27 week 3-D sonogram photos. He was difficult to photograph because he kept his feet and hands up by his face the whole time. The sono technician did a good job to get the ones we got. He was completely folded in half the whole time, with his legs stretched straight up over his head. He even scratched his nose with his foot at one point. It was so neat to watch. He yawned a couple of times and opened his eyes a couple of times too, but mostly he slept and seemed pretty content to do so, despite all attempts by the sono tech to get him to budge.

Here are another couple of our favorites from the 3-D sonogram.

In this last set, you can really see his hands over his face in the first. He yawns in the second. His feet are over his face in the third. He's back to hands (and feet) over his face in the fourth. And the last is a regular 2D sono of him yawning (his face is on the left looking right at us and his mouth is all the way open.

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