Tuesday, December 05, 2006

2 month check-up and best day yet...

As soon as I post this, I have no doubt that this day was just a fluke, but Fender was almost on a schedule today. In fact...the past THREE nights in a row, he has gone down for a four hour stint from 9:00PM to 1:00AM! Now...if I can just get that to be more from midnight to four, that would suit my schedule better. I'd prefer not to be in bed at 9:00, but I'll take it. I am definitely exhausted by 9:00PM. Let's face it...I'm exhausted when I get up in the morning. Today he fed, at 9:00AM, Noon, 3:30PM, and 6:00PM. I'm waiting to see if he makes it until 9:00PM to feed. Then it would be a true 3-hr feeding day... midnight for the next feeding (or 1:30am if things continue as they have been), a 3 or 4AM feeding and then a 6 or 7am feeding and we're up again. Sheesh...and that is with a schedule...no wonder I'm exhausted. The bad thing about today is that he slept a lot. We had some playtime and went to the grocery store, but he slept an awful lot today, despite me trying to wake him up for play. I guess when they want to sleep, they will sleep and if they don't want to sleep, they won't.

I managed to get groceries bought, put away, dishes put away and the sink cleaned out, a little play time with Sebastian, this website updated, and now I wish I was down for a nap. But hate to be sleeping when Drew gets in...which is also why it is so frustrating that I need to go to bed with Fen, if he goes down at 9:00PM. It just leaves so little time for us with "Daddy." Oh...how I love the weekends.

For now...here are a few pictures from the past few days. Oh...and he had his 2-month check-up yesterday, then we went to see Drew at work. Fun day...probably why he is so tired today. He had four shots yesterday...two in each thigh. :( He got a dose of tylenol before the shot and I gave him a second dose four hours later, but quit giving it to him after that. I thought it would be better to wait and see if he had any fever or side effects and actually needed the drug. He didn't seem to. Yea. What a trooper. He weighed 13 lbs and was 24 inches long. 75th percentile, whatever that really amounts to. He is doing very well. Doctor was pleased. I'm so proud of him. He's thriving despite the fact that his parents are fumbling through the exhaustion and learning as we go. :)

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