Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sleepovers and rumballs...

Wow. It is even more difficult finding time to update a website now. Last week I went back to work part time...and boy was I exhausted. Fen still isn't sleeping through the night and everyone keeps saying that he should. I think it may be time to take everyone up on their advice...I mean...when all the parents are saying the same thing independently of each other...and I can't think of a single time or subject that they would all be on the same page about...then it may be time to listen. Even the books suggest adding a little rice-cereal to the milk should help him sleep more through the night. Will have to see if Drew can get on board with it and then the sleep deprivation and exhaustion may get just a little bit better. :)

So last night, Fen has his first "sleepover" away from his parents. Aren't grandparents so "grand"! PaPa and Grandma watched over Fender while Drew and I had dinner and a movie...oh and I had a one-hour deep tissue massage before the movie too. Heavenly!!!!!!!!!!

But back to Fen... all reports this morning are that he didn't let them get much sleep last night. I think even less than I get... he usually goes down for about four hours from 10pm to 2am and then for a couple of hours he sleeps again and feeds at 4 or 5am. I think the reason for not sleeping more after the 2am feeding might be because he is so tired he never finishes his feeding. Only one side usually, despite my best he falls asleep and wakes back up again. Maybe the rice-cereal will help with that...and if we make that 2am a bottle feeding, then eventually I will get on the same schedule so that I produce more milk in the day and less at night. For a few days or maybe a week...we are going to be going through a transition period, but I think having a plan of action for the change over is good.

With Papa and Grandma watching Fender now, it has allowed me to build up another reserve of bottles. And now that the Chicago trip (Drew has a seminar on Monday) will be behind us, Drew will get to start helping out with bottle feedings. We're both thrilled about that. It has been hard being the only one to feed him for the past 10 1/2 weeks.

We're all getting ready for the holidays. Looking forward to Christmas Eve at home with my family and the week after Christmas in Mississippi with Drew's family. I need to make some fudge for the season. Last week, Fender and I stopped by Aunt Pauline's and made some rumballs, yum... (picture of Aunt Pauline and Fen, below). Last night I tried some of the homemade chocolate covered pecans that DJ made and today I am going to try some of her banana nut bread. 'Tis the season to have a full belly. :) I don't think the rest of this "baby fat" is going to come off until after the new year. But I did lose another pound this week. It is just coming off more slowly now.

Well, guess that is a big enough update for now. Pictures throughout are from recent days. He is so much fun. Drew is due back from Chicago tomorrow night (late...should get in about 10pm) and Fen has an 8am appointment at Children's hospital tomorrow morning for a hip sonogram. Hopefully it turns out that it is just precautionary, but many breech babies tend to have trouble with their hips and they want to make sure he is fine. 8AM...ouch...that one is going to be tough...especially with Sebastian who is sure to give me the sadest puppy face ever in the morning when he doesn't get any playtime before I leave in the morning. :( Oh well...sometimes there are days like that.

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