Friday, February 23, 2007

No time...

Not much time these days for updates and I do this one quick just so you all know I haven't abandoned this project of keeping far away friends and family updated. We had an unexpected death last weekend and buried Fender's Great Grand "PaCurt" on President's Day. Thankfully we had just spent time with him the weekend before, but unfortunately it makes it all the more surprising and difficult to realize. I want to write more, but no time at the moment. Suffice to say I am truly grateful that PaCurt got to know Fender, if only briefly.

And Fender continues to thrive. We started him on a small bit of rice cereal, which he is handling well and now he eats a whole jar of squash in the evening. (Whole jar is very teeny, but a full baby serving, none-the-less.) We're so proud. I will update with pictures when I have a chance...hopefully sometime this weekend.

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