Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Playing with our food...

First few feedings Fen wore more of his food than he ate. We took a few nights off and now and our latest two evening attempts at getting a couple of tablespoons of rice cereal down Fender's hatch is going well. Thanks in part to Grandma who was over helping out last night. By the end of the feedings he is slurping the food down until it all gone. I have learned that the key is having the mixture slightly warm (or near room temp), and wait after mixing a few minutes to let the cereal water down a bit (which it does on its own). But I think I have it down now. This morning, I poured some cold milk in and wondered why every bite came with an "icky" face attached. I quickly ended that feeding and then it dawned on me that it was a very cold meal. He was much more receptive tonight, even opening his mouth a bit for each bite.

I am excited to think that we should be able to make it to our goal of 6 months breastfeeding. In fact, I am truly entertaining the idea of trying for the first year since, at 6 months, he will require less milk than before. I'm not committing to that plan just yet, but really thinking about it. I would think it would be easier to keep up than the first 6 months where it has been his only source of nutrition. We'll see. He is very healthy, nicely proportioned, not overweight, yet he is in the 90th percentile in both weight and length at his 4-month check up. So basically...he's doing great. And we are enjoying every moment with our happy boy.

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