Monday, March 24, 2008

Alithos Anesti...

The Lord is risen...He is risen, indeed! This is what we celebrate and say with joyful hearts in church on Easter Sunday. The mood is so festive, so upbeat...a stark contrast to the quiet, solemn season of Lent that proceeds it and the humbling, and unsettling services of Holy Week where you have Maundy Thursday (Washing of the feet, as Jesus washed everyone's feet at the last super and reminded us that he came to the world to serve and not to be served), that is followed by The Watch (when Jesus asked if no one would stay awake with him on the night he was betrayed, we take shifts to stay "awake with Him" all night in the chapel), and that ends with the Good Friday service where we observe the Stations of the Cross (pivotal moments and stages of his life). All of these help us to realize and appreciate the true magnitude of his suffering before his death...but his "glorious resurrection" is what we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

I LOVE the Easter service. The bells ringing, we get to shout Alleluia again, and there are some great songs! Best of all, this year we got to celebrate it again in the church where I was baptized as a baby, Drew and I were married, and Fender was the 6th generation of the family to be baptized there. Our cousins, including Fender's Godfather were acolyting Easter morning and we sat with other cousins, including my Godmother, in the same pew that our family has been in for nearly 100 years. After church we gathered with family and continued the celebration with the traditional breaking of the resurrection eggs. Prior to each break attempt, one will say "Christos Anesti" (Christ is risen) and the recipient of the bash responds "Alithos Anesti" (Truly, He is risen)...the Greek way of saying He is risen, indeed!

Here are the videos from the church egg hunt...The second is a short end to the first video that got cut off prematurely.

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