Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter fun at daycare...

This morning, Fender's daycare had their Easter Egg hunt with the Easter Bunny. I have to say it was pretty funny (and yes, Fender had a good time, but you wouldn't know it from any of his pictures of course.) First of all, being Spring Break, two of the kids are out for the week and of the four who remain, Fender was the only one who brought any colored hard boiled eggs. I kid you not they were running around picking up plain white hard boiled eggs. It was sad and funny all at the same time. We were each to bring 3 plastic eggs and 3 hard boiled eggs, so thankfully the plastic ones added some color. :) You'll note his class is still ALL BOYS...and one of the boys cracked us up because he seemed to be scared of any eggs that were colored...he would run around looking for plain white hard boiled eggs on the ground. But the funniest part was near the end when Fender realized it was fun to throw the hardboiled eggs one by one, he cracked all but one, which he gently rolled across the ground instead. Wish I had a video of that! Oh are some pictures from this morning's festivities followed by a very short video near the beginning of the Easter Egg Hunt (before we found how fun it was to throw the heavy hard boiled eggs around).


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