Sunday, November 09, 2008

New presidents, beds, and haircuts...

Since my last post, election day has come and gone and Barack Obama has been elected as our 44th president. This election marks the second president of Fender's life and Fender can now say it was in his lifetime that our nation elected its first African American President as well.

Also since my last post, Fender has moved out of his crib and into his cool new race car bed. Friday was his first night in the new bed and it was kind of funny. He got up out of bed about 2:30AM...walked out his door, which comes into our room, and straight out our door to the front of the house where I followed and found him starting to play with toys. I told him it was still nighttime and he needed to go back to bed...which he did without fuss and with a little milk. He woke back up about 3:30AM and did the same thing...but this time I stayed in bed and waited to see if he would go back to bed on his own. About 2 minutes later, he came walking back through our room and into his room and back to his bed carrying his little Diego Dune Buggy and Diego driver (two pieces). He seemed to go back to sleep on his own, but woke up at 4AM crying. I rocked him until he fell back to sleep about 4:30AM and he slept until 7:00AM. I seriously contemplated going back to the crib...but figured we had to be strong enough to try it more than just one night. :) Last night all was fine. Slept from 9:30PM to 8:00AM without fuss. Guess it was just first night jitters. Pretty funny though...walking by himself through a big old house at night with no lights on didn't seem to bother him in the least. Here's his new bed. Easy to put together...the four sides fit together like big puzzle pieces and then there were about four screws just for safe measure. There are tons more stickers left to put on which will likely be part of his playtime when he wakes up from his nap. Right now we have his crib mattress in it, but it converts to twin size whenever we get the mattress.

We've had lots of fun with his birthday sidewalk chalk lately. Anytime he goes outside now he usually brings it with him. Here he is with the chalk on Friday...before his haircut.

Here he is watching Nemo on the computer...after his haircut on Saturday.

Also want to add a special note to say, "Welcome to the world, Miss Lily Jun." She is the daughter of one of my oldest friends and was born this morning at 12:14AM, 5 weeks early weighing 5 lbs 2 oz. Lily and Mom are doing very very well. Lily will be staying in the NICU for a few days, but at the moment only needs a little supplemental oxygen.

And WAY TO GO TEXAS TECH! They beat Oklahoma State 56-20 last night. Now they get to enjoy the victory and gear up an extra week before traveling to take on a formidable Oklahoma.

For those of you wondering about my eye...things haven't gotten worse for about a week now, so I call that GREAT!! And when I look straight ahead I can see a lot with the bad eye. I've recovered from the surgery and the gas bubble is gone now. There were problems after the surgery, like the fact that it apparently caused me to get cataracts which blurs my vision mostly on the perimeter and the biopsy was negative for Toxoplasmosis, which he was confident I had.

Ugh...I return to my doctor on Wednesday for follow up. I have been on a new medication for our newest diagnosis of Toxocara and am praying this will work because two doctors have now said nothing else is even close to my symptoms. I remain on steroids for now, but hope we can try to decrease those after my appointment and wait and pray the pain doesn't come back when I get off of them.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I hear you about abandoning the crib. We had a slightly rough transition, and each time I was woken from sleep I questioned why I had messed with a good thing. :-) All is well now though!