Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Hopewell Christmas...

After a lovely night's stay at Fred and Barbara's...with the exception of Fender's 4:45AM dire need for some chocolate milk, we woke up to a true southern breakfast complete with a mound of eggs, tons of bacon, grits, homemade biscuits (and for future reference if I mention bread with a meal be it biscuits, rolls, whatever...just assume they were the homemade...slave over...wait for rising...kneading...that sort of bread because that's what any respectable family in Mississippi just does.) and more. Eventually we were all dressed (and for the duration of this trip you can pretty well assume wherever we are, Drew's brother and family are with us too. So we ALL eventually had breakfast, dressed, said our thank yous and goodbyes and headed North to Hopewell to visit the matriarchal side of the family. This part of the journey is only a four hour drive.

Today's big event, as is traditionally the case, took place at Daddy's Aunt Linda's home. The women way out number the men on this side. It starts with Great Grandmother Powell, she had three daughters (one is Drew's mom) and this get-together typically involves all three of the daughter's families at the very least. Sometimes it also includes some of Great Grandmother's siblings, but not this year. Every year we take a huge group photo. I won't name everyone, but will note that Fender's Godmother is the one standing in the white shirt on the right and she, Great Linda and Great Grandmother keep Fender in a solid supply of books and if you know Fender at all, you know he LOVES him some books!

Fender and his Grandmother.

Cousins Riley, Cameron, and Fender playing in the woods out back with big sticks.

Not all these presents are for Fender, but he did get about that many by the time we were through.

Cousin Cameron is three years old and later this year, God willing, he will be an older brother.

...and don't get too excited...much like the fun, lengthy Christmas season we just had...there are plenty more fun, lengthy posts and pics to come. Just going to take another break and give you guys time to catch up. :)

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