Sunday, June 28, 2009

Red cross swim lesssons...

Here's our Fender boy in swim class. Basically I enrolled us in the Parent-tot class again this year, but seeing that Fender prefers to swim alone and be under the water all the time, his instructor suggested I move him to the Pre-K class. Which I did. This class takes place in the shallow water and he gets in without me. Needless to say he loves it.

Another observation his instructor had, was that I should try to wear him out more by bringing him to the free-swim time after work from 5-6PM before the class. I did this wasn't enough so his instructor said go ahead and do the Parent-tot class too and maybe that will help wear him out more. So he got three swim times last Friday and I suspect he'll do the same again each day this week.

Basically...Fender can't get enough swimming...ever.


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