Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Birthday, Granmamma

In honor of mom's birthday are a couple of fun halloween pics with Fender and his first pumpkin. We're also going to watch "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"... a Halloween tradition. :) Happy Birthday, mom. Here's your grandson. Happy Halloween, everyone. By the way... he is going to be a baby "Chewbacca" (from Star Wars) for anyone who is wondering after looking at the furry pictures below.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm three weeks old today...

Here are a few pictures from the past week. All is still going well. Mom is exhausted and Dad wishes he could stay home with us instead of working. Never-the-less...we are beginning to establish routines. Fender sleeps very well most nights, only waking to feed about 3 or 4AM and then again about 7AM. He is more alert for longer periods of time during the day and captivates us all with his big blue eyes. We're still waiting to see what color his eyes and hair turn, or if they will stay the same.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mommy and Daddy Pics...

Fender & Sebastian...the early days...

Week two...

Fen and I had our two week checkups today. All went well for both of us. Fen weighed in at 8lbs 4oz today. That is an increase from his birth weight of 7lbs 10oz and was over a 1lb increase from the weight he left the hospital at, which was 7lbs. Yea. And for all the "short" comments we got from the sono staff during the pregnancy, he has grown over an inch more now and is in the 75% height range, putting him above average. Our little boy is doing great!

My body is recovering from the surgery pretty well. I've lost 20 lbs since delivery day and doc says my incision is healing very well. I was okayed to resume all normal day-to-day activities...walking, driving, etc. Yea. Now I just need to get that spare carseat base into my truck so we get get out once in a while.

Drew is faring pretty well too. He is busy with work and studying for his exam in a few short weeks, then gets to take care of me and Fen, so he's probably the most overwhelmed of us all, but he really seems to love being a daddy!!!

Here are more pictures from the past few days.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Life adjustments...

Things are still going beautifully. Drew and I are beginning to establish a routine, but when he heads back to work on Monday we'll have to make adjustments once again. At the moment, Fender has been sleeping pretty well at night. We typically have to wake up about 3 or 4 AM for a feeding, and then we are good until about 7AM. After his morning feeding, Fen gets "nap time" on Daddy's chest while Momma (that's me) gets to grab a morning shake, have time with Sebastian outside, shower, and cleanup before the next feeding. Mornings are great!! The rest of the day is mostly feeding and sleeping for Fen. Drew studies and helps clean house, do laundry, and fix food. I try to rest most of the time between feedings. My insides are still recovering from th c-section. Hurts tons when I let my pain killers wear off completely. I take them much less now, but regret it if I take too little. It serves as a good reminder that I am still recovering and need to take it easy. So that's what I'm trying to least through the weekend while I still have Drew.

Here are a couple more pictures from the past few days...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm a cutie...

Proud Momma Pics...

Proud Daddy Pics...

Grandparents Galore...

Fen and Great Granddaddy PaCurt

Grandma, Granmama, Momma, YiaYia (Grt Grandmother) and Fender

Papa and Grandma with Fender

Grandmother and Fender bonding

Monday, October 09, 2006

Fun firsts...

Daddy puts on his first diaper before I get to see him:

Mom's first time with Fender (still on the operating table):

First shampoo and first time home:

So much fun...

Didn't get much sleep the first two fact...I didn't get any. Daddy got about 2 hours total the first two days. But all of that is much better now. We're home from the hospital and everything is going well so far. We have been so blessed with a safe and successful delivery; beautiful, healthy, happy baby; terrific doctors, nurses, and lactation consultants; and the very best support from family and friends! Everything has really been lots of fun. Tiresome and trying at times, but we are enjoying every minute.

Here's each of us in the final minutes before Fender was born:

What I still find amazing is that we arrived at the hospital at 7AM hoping that he might have turned back around on his own, or planning to try the "version" technique, but he was still breech and the doctors decided the risk to try and turn him was too great and probably wouldn't be successful with the low fluid, his size, and being only 1 week from his due date. Not skipping a beat, they immediately prepared us for epidural and c-section, and two hours after arriving, we were holding our baby boy! Incredible!