Monday, October 09, 2006

So much fun...

Didn't get much sleep the first two fact...I didn't get any. Daddy got about 2 hours total the first two days. But all of that is much better now. We're home from the hospital and everything is going well so far. We have been so blessed with a safe and successful delivery; beautiful, healthy, happy baby; terrific doctors, nurses, and lactation consultants; and the very best support from family and friends! Everything has really been lots of fun. Tiresome and trying at times, but we are enjoying every minute.

Here's each of us in the final minutes before Fender was born:

What I still find amazing is that we arrived at the hospital at 7AM hoping that he might have turned back around on his own, or planning to try the "version" technique, but he was still breech and the doctors decided the risk to try and turn him was too great and probably wouldn't be successful with the low fluid, his size, and being only 1 week from his due date. Not skipping a beat, they immediately prepared us for epidural and c-section, and two hours after arriving, we were holding our baby boy! Incredible!

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