Thursday, October 19, 2006

Week two...

Fen and I had our two week checkups today. All went well for both of us. Fen weighed in at 8lbs 4oz today. That is an increase from his birth weight of 7lbs 10oz and was over a 1lb increase from the weight he left the hospital at, which was 7lbs. Yea. And for all the "short" comments we got from the sono staff during the pregnancy, he has grown over an inch more now and is in the 75% height range, putting him above average. Our little boy is doing great!

My body is recovering from the surgery pretty well. I've lost 20 lbs since delivery day and doc says my incision is healing very well. I was okayed to resume all normal day-to-day activities...walking, driving, etc. Yea. Now I just need to get that spare carseat base into my truck so we get get out once in a while.

Drew is faring pretty well too. He is busy with work and studying for his exam in a few short weeks, then gets to take care of me and Fen, so he's probably the most overwhelmed of us all, but he really seems to love being a daddy!!!

Here are more pictures from the past few days.

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