Saturday, October 14, 2006

Life adjustments...

Things are still going beautifully. Drew and I are beginning to establish a routine, but when he heads back to work on Monday we'll have to make adjustments once again. At the moment, Fender has been sleeping pretty well at night. We typically have to wake up about 3 or 4 AM for a feeding, and then we are good until about 7AM. After his morning feeding, Fen gets "nap time" on Daddy's chest while Momma (that's me) gets to grab a morning shake, have time with Sebastian outside, shower, and cleanup before the next feeding. Mornings are great!! The rest of the day is mostly feeding and sleeping for Fen. Drew studies and helps clean house, do laundry, and fix food. I try to rest most of the time between feedings. My insides are still recovering from th c-section. Hurts tons when I let my pain killers wear off completely. I take them much less now, but regret it if I take too little. It serves as a good reminder that I am still recovering and need to take it easy. So that's what I'm trying to least through the weekend while I still have Drew.

Here are a couple more pictures from the past few days...

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