Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Easter photo shoot...

Here are some pics from our first family photo shoot. Only one picture of the family survived the cut, but we thought nearly all the pictures of Fender turned out great, of course. He still barely ever smiles for the camera. I am definitely jealous of all our friends out there with super smile happy camera know who you are. But I guess it just makes it that much more special when you see Fender laugh and smile in person. :)


By the way...for those of you who were concerned about my being denied the right to vote yesterday... You might be interested to know that my voter registration was quickly reinstated this morning with a profuse appology from a woman at the county clerk's office who said my registration was revoked by the Secreatary of State because of a "strong possible match" of me with someone else in some other part of the country or state...they never said where.

It sure didn't take any effort to get it cleared up and she said they were supposed to have notified me to sort it out prior to the election, but it was never sent. All I know is, IF and I'm not saying there is any sort of political debauchery going on in attempts to sabatage an election...because that would be completely unheard of...but IF it were, then I would have to say mission accomplished, because it certainly kept my vote from counting when it mattered most.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I love the family pic - we are getting some in April and hope ours turn out as well.
